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15 Best Gifts for Coffee Lovers

15 Best Gifts for Coffee Lovers


Much like oenophiles, devoted coffee drinkers are an exacting breed, with their preferences for specific coffee beans and opinions on the ideal temperature for drinking their morning brew. Finding a present for these connoisseurs can seem impossible (and I should know: I’m married to one), which is why we tapped some top coffee experts—writers, coffee shop owners and recipe developers—to share their favorites. Here are 10 gift winners they suggest for the java-obsessed. And if they need beans to brew, we have recommendations for subscription programslocal options and international roasts.

Anyone who springs for a barista-made daily iced coffee will be delighted with an at-home GrowlerWerks machine that produces up to 12 cups of cold brew at a time with barely any effort. Laban Njuguna, co-founder and CEO of Zabuni Specialty Coffee Auction, loves both its price point and size (small enough to fit in a regular fridge), not to mention the quality of the brew. “Specialty coffee is about an experience and not just consumption for the sake of it,” he says. “The foamy and creamy nature of this nitro cold brew helps a drinker experience the different nuances of coffee.” If you’re looking to give a more traditional cold brew maker, check out our guide to the best models.

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