Can I make other drinks other than hard seltzer in the uKeg Twist?
Yes, you can! You can experiment with fruit concentrates or other syrups to make healthy sodas on the go. Mix up some classic cocktail ingredients and carbonate to make sparkling versions of your favorite cocktails. You can even mix wine with citrus or other ingredients to make spritzes on the go.
How long can I store my seltzer in the uKeg Twist?
The uKeg Twist was designed to make and enjoy hard seltzers the same day. It is not designed for long term seltzer storage.
Can I put seltzer, soda, or beer into my uKeg Twist?
If you want to use the uKeg Twist as a way to keep your favorite store bought seltzer cold and carbonated on the go you shouldn't have any problems. You just don't have to shake up the drink since it's already carbonated. Some sodas will work okay too, but some very sugary ones may foam more than usual when poured. We don't recommend putting beer in the uKeg Twist since the operating pressure is much higher than beer is normally stored and served at. If you want to take beer on the go we recommend one of our other uKeg products designed specifically for beer.
Do I need to buy GW flavors only?
The uKeg Twist will work with many different types and brands of flavors. It also works great with citrus like lemon, lime or orange wedges, natural concentrates and juices, or even cocktail mixes and some syrups.
Can I use it with cold brew?
Yes cold brew coffee may be dispensed with 8 gram N2O cartridges (Nitro chargers). Please note, the full nitro coffee experience will not be the same. 8g CO2 cartridges are NOT recommended for cold brew coffee, because CO2 gas, aka "carbonated coffee", creates a flavor most people find unpleasant.
Can I use N2O or N2 cartridges?
Yes. 8 gram N2O cartridges may be used for non-carbonated drinks. Growlerwerks does not sell 8 gram N2O cartridges.
Can the uKeg Twist be used without gas?
Yes it's possible, but we don't recommend you use it this way a whole lot. If you just want to use the Twist as a simple water bottle it can do that. If you want to use the cap to drink without a charger, you'll need to make sure the regulator is
left out of the cap so air has a way back into the bottle. There are lots of mechanisms and seals within the uKeg Twist cap however, so take care to keep dirt, sand or other debris away from the cap when using it this way, or you may end up creating issues the next time you do use it as a seltzer maker.Can I use 16 gram cartridges with the uKeg Twist?
No. Only 8 gram cartridges will fit in the properly into cartridge chamber.
How many times can I use the cartridge?
You will need one 8 gram cartridge per fill.
Can the uKeg Twist be used without gas?
Yes it's possible, but we don't recommend you use it this way a whole lot. If you just want to use the Twist as a simple water bottle it can do that. If you want to use the cap to drink without a charger, you'll need to make sure the regulator is left out of the cap so air has a way back into the bottle. There are lots of mechanisms and seals within the uKeg Twist cap however, so take care to keep dirt, sand or other debris away from the cap when using it this way, or you may end up creating issues the next time you do use it as a seltzer maker.
Do I need to buy gas from Growlerwerks?
No. However, GrowlerWerks offers cartridges that we guarantee are pure food-grade CO2 and compatible in size with all of our products. A variety of 8 gram cartridges can be purchased. Please see our approved cartridge specifications on our support page.